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Server Information

Here you will find all basic information about Eagle World

Experience rate Skills rate Magic rate Loot rate
5 150 5 1

Miscellaneous information

Connection information
Client 8.6
IP eagleworld.com.br
Port 7171
PvP information
World type pvp
Hotkey aimbot Yes
Protection level 100
Kills to red skull 6
Kills to black skull 9
Remove rune charges Yes
Time to decrease frags 10.8 seconds
Experience by killing players No
White skull duration 10 minutes
Protection zone lock (non lethal attack) 1 minute
Stair jump exhaust
Other information
Free premium No
House rent period weekly
House SQM price 20000 gp
AFK kickout 6 days, 22 hours, 38 minutes, 59.999999999969 seconds
One player online per account No
Max players online server limit 300
Allow outfit change Yes
Stamina system No
Eagle World
+55 (35) 9 9866-3400
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